Sunday, 10 November 2013

19th Sept. Terror in El Torcal!

What a scary night! As if the howling gale wasn't enough, in the early hours of the morning we were awakened by the sound of vehicles driving alongside our van. I said initially that it was probably just another campervan, free camping. But one of the vehicled kept its engine running. Two men were having a blazing argument, one was very angry and shouting while the other seemed to be trying to calm him down. Nick cautiously got out of bed and peeped through the blinds. One of the vehicles was so close to ours, it was within touching distance. We weren't sure if they had any interest in our van at all, but the worry was why they had chosen to come so close to us, when they had a huge parking area to stop in. I discovered the next morning that Nick had got dressed, had the van keys in his hand, and was watching them like a hawk, ready to leap into the driving seat  drive off the instant they made any move towards our Cassie. I did think that that would have been a bit challenging with the blinds over the windscreen, though! They eventually turned off their engine and then stayed talking for another hour, before eventually driving off! Then poor Nick finally crawled back to bed!

The next morning we found the visitor centre, it was 10km from the village, not 1km as stated in our guide book! We did a lovely walk among the most incredible limestone rock formations. It would have been a climber's paradise, if climbing had been allowed, even dogs weren't allowed, but I ignored that rule!

As with all of these kind of places, lots of the rock formations had 'names', the one in the background was a thumbs up - as I am demonstrating!

We couldn't get the remote to work, so we used the timer, and when Nick sprinted to me we crashed heads! Ouch!

See how she climbs rock faces with her bare hands!

Dartmoor isn't the only place with a Cheesewring!

We drove through more beautiful mountains, then descended to a fertile arable plain past pretty towns with the usual white washed houses and the ubiquitous castle on a hill.
We camped on the outskirts of Ronda, in a proper campsite with a pool - luxury!

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